The Quick Customer Research You Should Do Now

Despite what we may want to believe about ourselves as consumers, most of our buying decisions are based on emotion, not reason.

And that means that to build a brand and successfully market it to your customers, you need to be able to communicate to them in a way that goes beyond features and benefits — you want to reach them at an emotional level.

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But how do you create messages that make people think, “YES! I want to buy from her” and take action?

One word: empathy.

Conducting customer research allows you to learn about your customers’ needs and behaviors so you can understand the deeper reasons that they seek out your business as a solution to their problems. Then you can create powerful marketing messages that make people feel like you truly *get* them.

Customer research might sound intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. To get the ball rolling, simply ask yourself a few of these questions from a customer's perspective (or better yet, just ask your customers):

  1. What problem were you trying to solve when you initially came across our product or service?

  2. What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to [INSERT YOUR INDUSTRY]?

  3. What is your biggest challenge, frustration, or problem in finding the right [INSERT YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE]?

Once you have a clear understanding of these answers, it will be easier to communicate to your ideal customer how YOUR product or service solves their problem and appeals to their deepest desires.

Customer research isn’t just useful for marketing either. When you’re designing new products or services to offer, deep customer understanding will help to ensure that the end results will be useful and desirable for your intended audience.

Can’t get enough juicy customer knowledge? It’s pretty addictive, we know! We dive deep into customer research in our Plan Your Brand program. Our team of experts is happy to guide you through this essential process!

Briana Lang