3 Ways to Work with a Designer

At Working Lunch Co., we strongly believe in the power of hiring a professional to ensure you don’t get passed over as the world scrolls the internet. But that doesn’t only mean hiring someone to create a beautiful logo or pretty graphics — designers dig deep to help you make the most of what you’re putting out into the world.


Here are three ways you can work with a designer:

Elevate your identity

The first thing we all think of when working with a graphic designer is branding. It’s a great way to make a rockin’ first impression. A strong brand identity builds trust, helps folks recognize you in a nanosecond, and gives you the polish to play with the big guys. And when we talk about brand identity, we’re talking about not just your logo but the whole suite of visuals — like patterns, colors, secondary graphic marks, typography — your logo lives among, to create a truly holistic impression of your brand. 

That said, it’s not necessarily the first place to invest when you’re starting a business. It’s important (and pretty fun too!), but if you’re on a tight budget just keep your branding simple and clean in the beginning. Then, once you’ve established your dream client, perfected your offerings, and built some traction, you can invest in a brand that’s tailor made for your tribe.

Add personality to your social media presence

If you’re anything like us, you can’t resist an account with a beautiful, on-brand aesthetic. It can tell a visual story and create brand recognition when people stumble across your posts in their feed. A designer can not only create some beautiful graphics or animations for all your social platforms, but can also offer suggestions for the order of your Instagram posts so your profile grid reflects your personality and professional polish. Your social profiles are like a second homepage these days, so this is a great way to get a maximum return on your efforts and your investment! 

Bring (and keep!) your website up-to-date

Put your brand’s best foot forward by incorporating your color palette, logo, and other brand visuals into your website. A designer can not only help you create those elements, but also the guidelines in which they should be used! As your brand evolves, your website will need to be updated and that may include a quick logo refresh, new brand visuals, or even rethinking your site’s information architecture (that’s fancy for how your content is organized).

Friends, this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re ready to set up a consultation and see how we can help you, click here!

Briana Lang