Is it Time for a Rebrand?

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Above all else, a good brand is consistent and easy to recognize. As your business grows, it can be tempting to rebrand—but that doesn’t always mean it’s a good idea. Here are three reasons you should consider a rebrand… and one reason to stick with what you’ve got.

  1. You don’t have brand standards.

    Do all of your brand assets and digital profiles look like they belong together? If not, your audience isn’t going to know that it’s you—it’s important to make sure that your brand is cohesive across the board. So if you have a mix of styles, fonts, and colors out there, you may want to refresh your image and define some brand standards in the process.

  2. Your current brand started out as trendy, and now is looking a little juvenile or dated.
    There’s no shame in a brand concept that’s on trend. It can help you attract attention and quickly communicate that you “get” your target customer when you’re just starting out. But some designs are more timeless than others. But your brand identity should consistently reflect who you are as a company. If your company has grown up, your brand should too.

  3. You find yourself attracting the wrong types of clients.
    If the folks that are approaching you aren’t your ideal client, it might be time to give your brand a refresh. It’s crucial for your business to communicate with the right audience. Branding is all about perception, so it’s important to make sure that your brand accurately represents the aspects of your products and services that will resonate with your target audience.

Do any of the above sound like you? Drop us a line!

And one reason NOT to rebrand?

If you’ve already done it recently! People develop brand loyalty and if you’re constantly playing with your brand, they’re not going to take you seriously. Make sure that you’re maintaining the look, feel, and tone of your business even as you grow.

Briana Lang