2020: Year in Review

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We know we know, you’ve got sore thumbs from scrolling all the year in review posts, and whew what a year it was! But we think we’ve put a fun spin on it. (We’d love to hear your highlights from the strangest year ever too btw!)

Jumping right in with (dun dun dun duuuuun) the dumbest thing Bri said this year

“I’m gonna travel again this summer!”

Pretty sure the universe is still laughing at this one. Better luck next year Bri!

Our favorite project

Ooooh, it’s impossible to pick just one—so here are a few!

  1. Redesigning our own website. We learned so much about Squarespace, CSS hacks, and best of all—we were able to more clearly define our message and style.

  2. Choosing a fave client project feels like choosing a fave child… but The Proppe Shoppe logo right here takes the cake!

Best investment

Hiring the ladies at Knap Creative to help us crank our socials up, fill the blog with useful content, kickstart a biweekly newsletter, and catch up our portfolio (it was hopelessly out of date) was our best business investment this year. SO GOOD.

Milestones we celebrated

August marked three years since going full time freelance and starting this little studio. It feels like three weeks!

Juiciest highlights

We know we already mentioned the WLC website, but it was a major project and felt so good to mark as DONE. We also joined a local coworking space (The Commune) back in January, and while we haven’t set foot inside since March we’re hoping to be back there in 202. It’s such a beautiful place to spend the work day.

Annnnd—this might be the highlight of all highlights—we got a new mascot! Dash the mini aussie pup joined the fam in July (follow his antics @miniaussiedash if that’s your thing).

And a special shoutout to…

Heather Bourbeau! She’s not only a brilliant writer, collaborator, and client… but she also referred several fantastic clients our way. Super appreciated, every one!

Briana Lang