How to Conduct a Brand Audit

Step by step guide & free 8 point checklist

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Have you ever felt those jeans that used to be oh-so-comfy are getting a little snug? Or regretted that haircut you had as a teen… even though it felt so good at the time? Sometimes, you outgrow things. And that’s good. As your business grows up, so should your brand. 

A brand audit is like a check up for your business—review how elements of your brand are performing, determine the strengths and weaknesses of your brand, and ensure that there’s no disconnect between your work and your brand.

Here’s where to start:

Mission, Vision, and Values

Okay, you might not be spelling these out in your external communications, but The Internet is a tough crowd. Consumers have become experts at sussing out inconsistencies between what you say and what you do—and that destroys the trustworthiness of your brand. Yikes. Make sure you’ve communicated these brand fundamentals with your team and that you’re all living by them every day.


There’s a heck of a lot more to a brand than a logo, but it’s an important piece of your visual identity… and it should accurately reflect who you are, right now. Check the style, type, they still represent your business accurately? Is your logo still working everywhere you need it to? Maybe the concept is fine but you need to simplify to modernize, or build out some alternate layouts for new applications.


We’re going to geek out with you for a second here—85 percent of buyers say that color is the primary reason that they make a purchase. (I know! It blew our minds too!) Make sure that your brand colors are carefully chosen for positive impact. Do they work together or clash? Are they used legibly and effectively? Do your brand colors evoke the emotions you’re going for?

If you want to go deeper, here’s a great resource!

Personality and Voice

You’re likely working in a saturated marketplace—and that can be kind of a bummer. Your competition can rip off your color palette, services list, and headline font. But one thing they can’t replicate? Your personality. This is your competitive advantage. Use it.


Just like your favorite furry friend, the fonts that you choose have big personalities. Your typography makes a difference in whether you’re perceived as traditional, modern, budget, or luxury. Typography is also one of the things that can make your brand feel dated in an instant. Are your font choices contemporary, or appropriately retro if that’s your vibe?

Photos & Imagery

Did you know that our brains process images 30,000x faster than text? Be mindful of the photos and imagery that you’re using throughout your brand—they get the message across quicker than anything else. Are they sending the right one? Do they represent your values and work cohesively with your brand colors and personality?


When someone is considering purchasing your product, they’re going to pause and weigh the price you’re asking against the benefits you’re promising. The cost probably looks like dollars and cents, but the benefits? Those are emotional. Make sure that your messaging goes beyond a laundry list of features—and speak to the emotional needs of your customer. What problem are you really solving for them, deep down? And can you back it up with proof points?


We’ve already mentioned trust and we’re going to mention it again, because it is so important. The only way that a potential customer will make a purchase from you is if they trust you, and consistency is a key way to build that trust. So be sure that everything from your website to your social media to customer service and packaging is visually consistent and on message, every 👏🏼 single 👏🏼 time. Look for places where the wrong colors or fonts are used and clean them up. 

Take the time and work through each of these steps! A carefully executed brand audit will leave you with a brand that stands head & shoulders above your competition. 

How does your brand stack up right now? We hope it’s great! If not, you’ve got some homework to do…and we’re in your corner if you need some help. 

If your brand is looking healthy, high fives! Don’t forget to schedule another brand audit about a year from now into your calendar.

Briana Lang