Brand Touch Points for Restaurants

A brand touch point occurs any time someone interacts with your brand (potential customer or otherwise). They occur before, during, and after someone purchases from you. Regardless of the industry you’re in, it’s essential to identify touch points along the customer journey — they’re an opportunity to communicate your brand values, build trusting relationships, and create connections with your customers. When you effectively achieve that at every brand touchpoint, you can gain customers for life!

We’re going to really get to the nitty gritty and help you put yourself in the shoes of your customers. In fact, we’re even going to get industry-specific.

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Restaurateurs — this one's for you! This guide will help you take a quick assessment of how you’re doing at each of the essential touch points. Not a restaurant owner? You may still find some useful ideas here — and stay tuned for upcoming editions of this series for other industries. 


This is how people hear about your restaurant and form an impression based on what they’ve heard and/or seen. It can occur via a website, social media, word of mouth… heck, even online reviews! Of course you’re going to want to make a good first impression, so here’s what we recommend:

Take a good look at your online presence

  1. Ensure your website includes a current menu, along with prices. If your menu changes daily, let customers know that and at least provide a sample.

  2. List the correct hours of operation and address on your site, Google Business Listing, and of course, on your social media!

  3. Make sure the visuals (colors, type, and photos) match the mood of your dining room. This is your brand!


We all know first impressions go a looooong way so you don’t want to mess it up, do you?! You want to entice prospective customers to come inside your restaurant. Here’s some considerations that we recommend:

What impression will a passerby get when they look at the exterior of your restaurant?

  1. Is the sign visible and easy to read? Does it fit your brand personality and interior aesthetic?

  2. Do you have a menu posted on the exterior wall? Make it easy for browsers to get an idea of what you have to offer.

  3. And, of course, although this isn’t design specific — please, oh please! — ensure the exterior of your building and the sidewalk are clean and inviting! You can go the extra mile by adding some plants or other exterior decor that fit your brand. 

The Menu

You already knew we were going to mention this, didn’t you? Instagrammable interiors aside, it’s your food that’s really bringing people in (and bringing them back). Here’s what we know, along with a few recommendations:

The way you present your offerings is the key to the impression you will make on your customer.

  1. Is it easy to read?

  2. Have you carried your brand personality through the names of the dishes and drinks?

  3. Does the design of the menu itself support your brand or is it blah?


Okay, you might be thinking “what does this have to do with my brand?” But the bathroom is a huge opportunity to have some fun with a space and carry through your interior design style and brand personality. It’s a chance to give your customers a moment of delight and make them feel like you REALLY care about their experience.

  1. Don’t stop your interior design outside the bathroom door, carry it into this space too. And GAWD please make it smell good! 

  2. Infuse some personality into your handwashing signs and any other basic communication. 

  3. Live your values by making your bathrooms accessible and inclusive. 


This is the last interaction they’ll have with you and you’ll want the lasting impression to be a good one! Go the extra mile with these recommendations:

  1. Have a signature offering to end the meal. Think branded chocolates or some other treat that will be the little cherry on top. It’s in the details!

  2. Ensure your logo is on the receipt. Chances are, they’ll pocket it and later that detail will remind them of the great time they had!

Customer satisfaction is the key to any business, particularly in an industry that is so competitive. You want your brand to stand out from the crowd in the best way. Paying attention to these brand touch points will ensure happy customers who only share positive experiences at your establishment.

If you’re still not sure where to start or need some help with an assessment of where you stand in regards to these touch points, we’re here to help you! Book a consultation.

Briana Lang