Brand Touch Points for Realtors

Over the past few months, we’ve delved deep into the world of brand touch points. After all, it’s something every business needs to pay close attention to if they want to provide their customers with the best possible experience with their brand.

And it doesn’t matter how busy you are. In fact, we feel right at home saying that it’s even more important to pay attention when you’re flat out. REALTORS — that includes you! The market is hot, hot, HOT right now, so here’s a synopsis of key touch points you want to consider for countless referrals for years to come!

brand touch points for realtors


Realtors are a dime-a-dozen… and consumers are over it when it comes to the traditional (aka out-of-date) marketing tactics.

Take a look at your online presence and marketing.

  1. Ditch the bus bench sign. It’s time to stand out from the crowd. If you’re doing the exact same thing as your competitors, how will people know what sets you apart?!

  2. If you have the freedom to do so, choose brand colors that are distinctly yours. This is a great and easy way to infuse your personality into your brand. One bold, unexpected color can really make your yard signs stand out!

  3. Just like you would for any other business, figure out who your perfect fit customer is and cater to them. Do you want to represent the buyer of the seller? First-time home buyers? Developers? Here’s an example of a job well done:

    Open House Austin wants to work with first-time home buyers and have countless resources and education available. From their website to their social media, these peeps hit the nail on the head with their messaging.

Elevating a buyer’s experience

  1. Curate resources on your website and social media that will help them with decision making. Share helpful content like:

    1. What to ask a real estate agent to determine if they’re the right fit

    2. Why it’s important to get pre-approved for a mortgage prior to shopping

Elevating a seller’s experience

  1. Utilize your website and social media to communicate best practices prior to listing a house AND how to get the job done.

The devil is in the details

Everyone wants a little surprise and delight — especially when they’re making huge financial decisions. As stressful as the process is, it can also be fun and easy! It’s up to YOU to make sure that happens.

Elevating a buyer’s experience

  1. Get to know your customer, their priorities and their lifestyle! Be prepared to help point out pros and cons specific to your buyer’s needs and help them picture themselves in the house. For example, if they have a dog it would be ideal to have a back door that leads to a fenced yard. Verbalize it to them!

  2. Over-communicate, especially if your buyer is a first timer. Keep them posted about next steps throughout the process — there are a lot of them! — from showing to closing.

Elevating a seller’s experience

  1. Over-prepare for the listing appointment. You’ll never regret it and whether you get the listing or not, you’re sure to leave a great impression that could result in a contract and/or referrals later on!

  2. Curate a list of local businesses that can help them prepare their home for listing. Include everything from someone who can tweak the landscape design to maximize curb appeal, to the gems who’ll come and clean your oven for you.

  3. Provide a move-out checklist that includes when to cancel home insurance, utilities, and other home services such as internet, cable, and security contracts.

The Afterglow

Elevating a buyer’s experience

  1. Give your client a housewarming gift that they’ll actually want. If they’re planning to do a renovation, consider a Home Depot gift card. If they love to dine out, provide a gift card to a great local restaurant in their new neighborhood. Think about their lifestyle and gift accordingly!

Elevating a seller’s experience

  1. Who doesn’t love a great gift?! And the best gift of all would be providing a house cleaner to complete the move-out clean so they can focus on their new beginning rather than cleaning under the refrigerator.

We know — you’re swamped right now. And we want you to enjoy referrals for years to come! Every stage in your customers journey is an opportunity to engage them and provide the best brand experience possible.

Want help coming up with touch points that are uniquely yours? Reach out! We’re here to help.

Briana Lang