Brand Touch Points for Photographers

Whenever someone is either exposed to your brand or interacts with it in some way (whether they’re a customer or not), you want the experience to be a positive one! We get it and we’re right there with you.

That’s why we launched our Brand Touch Point Series — it’s an opportunity to get industry specific and help you hone in on your customer journey. This week, we’re sharing a snapshot of essential touch points for photographers. Yes, pun intended! 😉

Photography is an extremely competitive industry, but as long as you knock these touch points out of the park, you’re sure to stand out from the competition. Let’s get to it, shall we?!

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For the sake of you AND your customer, this process needs to be as streamlined and straightforward as possible. Here’s a few recommendations:

  1. Once your services have been booked, send a branded email to confirm the date, time, and other important details that are relative to the session. Include package details, clarify what’s included and what’s not (such as professional hair and makeup), how and when to pay, and of course, when the customer can expect the final images.

A little reminder never hurt anybody. A week (or so) prior to the session, send a reminder to the customer. Include an address and specific instructions that may apply, along with information on how to prepare for the session. Include a guide on what to wear, because you know there is a 98% change you’ll be asked that question.

picture day

Your customer is expecting amazing pictures that capture milestones they don’t want to forget. Of course you want to deliver, and over-preparedness will help you do just that. Here’s what we suggest:

  1. Consider the environment you’ll be taking the photos. If it’s hot, bring a fan. If it’s cold, bring a blanket. If it’s out in the wild, bring bug spray. Your client’s comfort (or lack thereof) will show up in the photos — make it easier on yourself by having these things ready.

  2. Accidents happen all the time. Whether it’s a make-up emergency or a Band-Aid emergency, you want to be prepared. Have a kit ready to go and include everything from blotting paper to stain remover (and everything in between).


Who doesn’t like a cherry on top?!

  1. Pack treats for the pups and quick “crafts” like stickers for the kids. This small detail will be 100% appreciated by the kids (furry or not!) and by the parents.

  2. If you can, send a couple sneak peeks as soon as possible after the session. There’s nothing better than knowing that the money invested was worthwhile!

  3. Surprise and delight your customer by throwing in bonus images, prints, or some small token. They’ll be so thrilled with the bonus that you probably won’t even have to ask for a review — it’ll already be done!

Have you found ways to express your brand during these touch points? Let us know in the comments below. Or if this just sparked something inside of you to take your business to the next level, take our Plan Your Brand program so you can knock this out of the park!

Briana Lang